Freedom is essential in these practices and that’s why I don’t consider classes as part of a course, but as part of a journey. A journey everybody is free to do only in some of its phases, or in all of them. Both Soul Motion and 5Rhythms are practices such as yoga or meditation: 5 minutes a day alone at one’s own home helps as much as the guided lessons.

Classes are open to everybody except children.
It takes sometime to get “into it”, my advice is to be in the room at least 5 minutes before and allowing oneself 10 minutes at the end of the class before going out.
How to dress: we move a lot, so comfortable clothes and “in layers” are suggested, it’s better to have something to cover: we dance barefoot but dance shoes are allowed.
What to bring: a small notebook, a pen, water.
During lessons mobile phones are not allowed.
We listen to different kind of music, we do not have to use words but we shall communicate through our body.
Single Class: 20 euro
Registration and information:
soul motion con marcella panseri | close group
Medium: Marcella Panseri